Sunday, January 26, 2014

They Just Lettered in Visual Art!

"Girl" by Kaitlin1173 (Gold Key)

"Haitian Girl" by Abigail4446 (Silver Key and Cash Prize)

A panel of visual art judges wades through almost four thousand student art works to choose about 550 pieces for the annual Northeast Central Ohio Scholastic Art Competition every year.  So, like art teachers across the region submitting student work for consideration, we hold our collective breaths and see if our kids’ work made the cut.  This year I was thrilled that four of our students were recognized by the competition, and three have their work included in the Scholastic Art Show on exhibit at Kent State Stark campus through February 6.  

One happy art teacher!
 Undaunted by this past Saturday’s weather conditions, a crowd of about 500 gathered to recognize these students in an awards ceremony where each artist received either a gold or silver key for their art work.  In addition, several works were chosen to receive special recognition and awards sponsored by local organizations and businesses.  To my delight, Abigail's work, “Haitian Girl” was honored with a cash prize from Flower Factory  as well as a silver key.

Please join me in congratulating these students for the excellence in visual arts!

"Hephaestus" by Alex11869 (Silver Key)

"Persephone" by Jennifer4008 (Honorable Mention)